Saturday, January 16, 2010

No hiding now!

I am now hooked up to my Go Wear Fit machine and denial is a thing of the past. I'm really looking forward to having it "get to know" me so I can see all the scary numbers in black and white. Eek!

I have now joined two different groups. Group one is a bunch of co-workers. We each will be putting $25 into the pot and the winner takes all. That one runs until 5.3,10. Group two is actually being run by the Dept of Human Resources Management. For this group there will be prizes for the most weight lost in 8 weeks but they have not said what the prizes are..... plus this is a national contest so the prizes will likely be significant BUT they will be difficult to win as well.

It all officially starts Monday morning but I'm glad to say I have not had a huge list of things I needed to eat before the "diet" starts.

To reach my goal I will need to git a calorie deficit of 1000 calories each small goal!!!

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