Tomorrow begins a new weightloss challenge with my friends at work. We are calling it BL2...yes I know we could have been slightly more creative but Hey! it works.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to going at it again because I'm getting very close to territory I haven't seen in YEARS! It will be so cool to break through this particular wall.
Today I was able to squeeze a little bike ride in and amongst my weekend chores.....AND IT FELT SOOOOOOO GREAT! For those who know what schedule has been like over the past year or so I am extremely excited to report.....I HAVE QUIT MY 2ND JOB!!!!! Well, I guess it would be more accurate to say that I have given notice but I already feel more free. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and I'm fairly certain it's not a train. LOL I'm not sure what I will do getting home every day by 3:30.....but I sure look forward to figuring it out.
Oh and the pool is being opened tomorrow. YIPPY!!!!! It was truly incredible, we took the winter cover off and the water is perfectly crystal clear. If you knew what opening the pool has been like the last couple years you will have some sense of how excited I am about this turn of events. I mean the last couple years I have come to a whole new understanding of the term "muck". Most people would attribute that word with horse stalls rather than a swimming pool but I can honestly say there was probably very little difference in the appearance and stench I associate with the word and someone mucking horse stalls. I take that back, I think the horse stalls would look and smell better than the decaying leaves we have had to sift out of the pool. Thankfully those experiences can now be just another funny things we can look back on and laugh.
Well, I'm off to finish getting ready for the week and firing up the grill!
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